Top Thanksgiving Weekends (Fri-Sun)

# Title Fri-Sun Theaters AVG Year Wknd Distributor
1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 57,487,755 3,672 15,656 2001 2 Warner Bros.
2 Toy Story 2 57,388,839 3,236 17,734 1999 1 Buena Vista
3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 54,727,138 3,858 14,185 2005 2 Warner Bros.
4 How The Grinch Stole Christmas 52,118,445 3,134 16,630 2000 2 Universal
5 Happy Feet 37,038,046 3,804 9,737 2006 2 Warner Bros.
6 Enchanted 34,440,317 3,730 9,233 2007 1 Buena Vista
7 101 Dalmatians 33,504,025 2,794 11,991 1996 1 Buena Vista
8 A Bug's Life 33,258,052 2,686 12,382 1998 1 Buena Vista
9 National Treasure 32,156,917 3,243 9,916 2004 2 Buena Vista
10 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 32,117,496 3,682 8,723 2002 3 Warner Bros.

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